
Embracing your accessibility discipline

Investing in your digital product’s accessibility is expensive in different ways. It makes a complete sense that your effort and discipline should return maximum value to your brand and deliver the best experience for all your users.

The Challenge

Most of the Accreditation Agreements in the market rely only on the Technical Accessibility Testing of your product against WCAG 2.1/2.2 Success Criteria. While this is mandatory to get accredited, it can miss numerous problems that disabled people experience with your product.
Even worse, some Agreements out there rely only on the Automated Accessibility Testing of your digital product to grant you an Accreditation Badge.

Both of the above practices are likely to harm your brand when a person with a disability is not getting a good experience using your digital product, but sees a Badge on it, that person is likely to become annoyed and indignant.

What your business gets

In addition to the advantages on your business summarised on our The business case of digital accessibility article, other advantages are specific for our Accreditation Program on your Organisation as following:

  • External and independent proof and public recognition that you’ve achieved a particular level of accessibility.
  • Summarises the results of your accessibility effort in a certificate in a simple way you can share with your users and stakeholders.
  • Well recognised achievement amongst communities and organisations caring about Digital Inclusion and Accessibility.
  • Your discipline is going to be promoted as a case study in our Events, Training Courses and Webinars which will give your brand a boost amongst people with disabilities.

What your users get

Our Accreditation Program relies on multiple pillars to ensure the maximum Return Of Investment to your organisation and all your users simultaneously.

  • Our Human-centred approach helps us identify barriers that actually affect your users with disabilities, extending to collaborating in delivering the best experience for all your users.We do not speak on behalf of your users, we let them speak for themselves.
  • Our Accreditation Badge on your digital product is a lighthouse for your users ensuring that your product is most suitable for their particular set of needs and preferences.

Which products

  • Websites

    Either big or small your website is, public or restricted to specific groups, in which stage, or built using a specific technology or framework.

  • Mobile Sites and Apps

    All products that could possibly be accessed using a mobile device, from dedicated or responsive mobile sites to cross-platform or native (Android or iOS) mobile applications.

How it works

  1. Accessibility Audit

    Similar to the process of our regular Accessibility Audit service, but this time it involves a comprehensive review of every page of your digital product to meet the WCAG 2.1/2.2 Success Criteria at either A or AA level of conformance.

    There must be no content which violates any of WCAG 2.1/2.2 Success Criteria at the level of conformance you are attempting to meet in order for you to claim a Conformance Certificate for your product.

  2. Conformance Certification

    If your entire digital product successfully conforms to WCAG 2.1/2.2 Success Criteria at the level of conformance you are attempting to meet, a Certification of your product’s Conformance should be issued for your product by Axessall demonstrating your accessibility commitment along with an Accreditation Badge.

    This Conformance Certificate shall be updated by Axessall at least once a year or with each iteration of changes to your digital product.

  3. The Badge

    Accredited by Axessall Badge

    An Accreditation Badge will be shared with you, which you can proudly display on your digital product. This Badge is directly linked to your product’s up-to-date Conformance Certificate issued by Axessall. You will also be listed on our official Accredited Accessible Organisation list.

    All your product’s users will be aware that you have taken the time and made the effort to ensure they have the best experience using your product.

  4. Maintain your Accreditation

    Your enrolment in our Accreditation Program is valid for one year. You can maintain your accreditation status during this period by having the Accessibility Sign-Off requirement embedded in the development process of your digital product.

  5. Any update has to get Accessibility Signed Off by Axessall to grant the Go-live for it.